

Basic Economic Concepts for Bioeconomists (5205-413)

This courses offers an introduction into economics for students in the M.Sc. Bioeconomy and will be held in hybrid format. More information can be found on ILIAS and HohCampus. 


Economic Policy Analysis of the Bioeconomy (5213-510)

In this module, students gain a holistic understanding of the impact of the bioeconomy on the economy, society and the environment. The module consists of the courses Economic Aspects of the Bioeconomy and Model-based Analysis of Bioeconomy Policies, which must both be attended to pass the module. More information can be found on ILIAS and HohCampus. 

Seminar Bioeconomy Policies (5213-411)

The seminar provides profound insight into the complex interactions and impacts of bioeconomy policies on the economy, society and the environment. More information can be found on ILIAS and HohCampus.